
What lies below is not the realm of coherent sane thoughts of a 'Regular Joe' but the random ramblings of an individual with a voracious appetite for books and a chaotic, tangled jungle of grey cells for a brain that, while mostly dormant, is highly imaginative and suffers intermittent bouts of intense activity which result in... well, stuff like this blog. Scroll down at your own risk. You have been warned.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Of Cynics

Those cynical
Due to past experience
Perhaps should be indulged,
Yet those cynical for no reason
To them I say:
What the hell?

I guess that should explain the reason for the conflict in my mind to some extent. On one hand I'm a bit of a cynic due to my own few personal experiences and other exposure to the outside world via news, books and the second best teacher ever: other’s experience; while on the other I'm one who reproaches those cynics at my age who think they know a lot (hence I reproach myself).

Strange thing is, I feel justified in both: being a cynic and reproaching myself for being one. So I guess I have a diluted version of a split personality. :P

Oh, and one more thing:
Poems, people often feel,
Ought to rhyme
And many poems do.
But this little poem
And the one before it

Oh, and I have also posted this on my Deviantart  profile. You can check this, and other writings by me on that site right here: http://akash21593.deviantart.com/gallery/27712143

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